NASA Global Data Sets for…phere Models 1987 - 1988
NASA Global Data Sets for Land-Atmosphere Models 1987 - 1988 - Disc 1.iso
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P.J. Sellers(1), B.W. Meeson(2),
J. Closs(3)
J. Collatz(1)
F. Corprew(3)
D. Dazlich(4)
F.G. Hall(1)
Y. Kerr(5)
R. Koster(6)
S. Los(7)
K. Mitchell(8)
J. McManus(3)
D. Myers(3)
K.-J. Sun(3)
P. Try(9)
1. NASA/GSFC, Code 923, Greenbelt, MD 20771
2. NASA/GSFC-DAAC, Code 902.2, Greenbelt, MD 20771
3. NASA/GSFC, HSTX, Code 902.2 Greenbelt, MD 20771
4. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
5. LERTS - BPI, Toulouse Cedex, 31055, France
6. NASA/GSFC, Code 974, Greenbelt, MD 20771
7. NASA/GSFC, SSAI, Code 923, Greenbelt, MD 20771
8. NOAA/NMC, Camp Springs, MD 20746
9. International GEWEX Project Office, Washington, DC 20024
* International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project
In June of 1992, an interdisciplinary Earth Science workshop was convened
in Columbia, Maryland, to assess recent progress in land-atmosphere research,
specifically in the areas of models, satellite data algorithms, and field
experiments. At the workshop, representatives of the land-atmosphere modeling
community stated that they had a need for global data sets to prescribe
boundary conditions, initialize state variables, and provide near-surface
meteorological and radiative forcings for their models. The data sets
collated on these CDs represent a first attempt to meet this need.
The data sets on the CDs are grouped under the following headings: Vegetation;
Hydrology and Soils; Snow, Ice, and Oceans; Radiation and Clouds; and Near-
Surface Meteorology.
All data sets cover the period 1987-1988, and all but a few are spatially
continuous over Earth's land surface. All have been mapped to a common 1
deg. x 1 deg. equal-angle grid. The temporal frequency for most of the data
sets is monthly. A few of the near-surface meteorological parameters are
available both as 6-hourly values and as monthly means.
1.0 BACKGROUND: The Motivation for Assembling the Initiative I Data Sets
A workshop sponsored by the International Satellite Land Surface Climatology
Project (ISLSCP), a component of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment
(GEWEX), was held in Columbia, Maryland, June 23 to 26, 1992, with over 240
scientists and science managers attending. The goal of the workshop was to
assess recent progress in the areas of modeling, satellite data algorithm
development, and field experiments. An account of the workshop and many of
the scientific presentations made there are written up in a special issue of
the journal Remote Sensing of the Environment, 51, (1), 1995, so only a brief
summary of the workshop's discussions and recommendations is given here.
The first part of the workshop was spent in reviewing the goals and
requirements set by different kinds of land-atmosphere models. For
convenience, the models were categorized by time scale into three broad
groups, see Sellers et al.(1995) and Figure 1.
Water-Energy-Carbon: These models are used to calculate the exchanges
of water, energy, and carbon (photosynthesis and respiration) between
the land surface and the atmosphere on relatively short time scales, on
the order of seconds to seasons, see Dickinson (1995) and Bonan (1995).
The models are used on small spatial scales for hydrological and
agricultural studies; on the global scale, they are used to define the
lower boundary fluxes for atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs)
in which they are usually referred to as land surface parameterizations
(LSPs). The more realistic biophysically-based LSPs implemented within
GCMs over the last decade have been shown to produce better simulations
of energy and water fluxes over the continents and thus should give rise
to improved numerical weather prediction and climate simulations, see
Betts et al. (1994), Noilhan et al. (1991) and Sato et al. (1989). All
of these models have suffered from two general weaknesses. First, it was
not clear that the descriptions of important flux-controlling processes,
e.g., heat and moisture transfer within the vegetation-soil-atmosphere
system could be credibly transferred from models and observations tested
or conducted at very small scales to the scales of LSP-GCMs. Second, no
generally acceptable methods were available to define the global state of
vegetation and soil moisture for initialization or validation of the LSP-
Carbon and Biogeochemistry: The models appropriate to studies of carbon
and biogeochemistry (BGC) span intermediate time scales, on the order of
days to several years, see Schimel (1995) and Field et al. (1995). The
important processes covered by these models include primary production,
carbon allocation, decomposition, nutrient cycling and relations to the
physical climate system (upstream), and ecosystem structure and function
(downstream). It has been suggested that perturbations to the
terrestrial carbon cycle, specifically imbalances between photosynthesis
and respiration which would lead to carbon sink and source anomalies, may
play important roles in the rate and timing of atmospheric carbon dioxide
increases over the next few decades, see Tans et al. (1990). This class
of models suffers from many of the same kind of handicaps as the Water
Energy-Carbon models discussed above; in particular, global forcing
(atmospheric conditions) and surface state (photosynthetic capacity,
carbon storage in the soil, etc.) data are not freely available.
Ecosystem Structure and Function: These models have a large overlap with
the carbon and BGC models but span a wider range of time scales; most of
these models have time steps on the order of months to years and are run
to describe ecological processes over periods of years to millennia, see
Bonan (1995). In large part, the models are forced by climate data, but
data on soil physical and chemical properties, topography, etc., are also
used as boundary conditions. Obviously, all data pertaining to land
cover type phenology, biomass, etc., are useful for initializing and
validating these models.
The three classes of models described above originate from different
scientific motivations and to a large extent from different science
communities. However, they will all be essential for the study of Global
Change and they all suffer from similar deficiencies, namely:
(i) Scaling: All of the models suffer from the so-called scale gap to
varying degrees. The results from small-scale process studies are
usually combined with very simple aggregation assumptions to describe
regional-scale processes and surface-atmosphere exchanges.
(ii) Data Needs: Very few reliable, consistent, large-scale data sets exist
in accessible form for the purposes of initialization and validation of
these models on regional or global scales.
In the first ISLSCP meetings of 1983 and 1984, it was hoped that a combination
of large-scale field experiments and a stream of satellite data products would
be used to deal with these two issues. Research work conducted within and
parallel to the field experiments was to lead to improved algorithms which
would then be used to generate better regional and global data sets. The 1992
ISLSCP workshop reviewed the state of the algorithms and the contribution of
the field experiments to these goals.
Satellite data algorithms that deal with land surface studies have been
developed piecemeal under the aegis of the responsible government agencies.
In 1987, an ISLSCP workshop reviewed the status of the algorithms, see Sellers
et al. (1990) for a summary, and concluded that:
(i) Algorithms were available to calculate many of the important surface
and atmospheric state variables required by modelers.
(ii) Few of the algorithms had been thoroughly evaluated with regard to
accuracy and precision.
(iii) There was a lot of room for improvement in the algorithms in terms of
calibration, geometric correction, and cloud screening procedures.
(iv) Few of the algorithms had been tested sufficiently or were innately
robust enough for routine operational use.
The 1992 workshop noted that there had been some progress in algorithm
development over the period 1987-1992, particularly in the area of the Earth
radiation budget work.
The ISLSCP field experiments and parallel activities performed by the World
Climate Research Program (WCRP), the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program
(IGBP), and other organizations were designed to address the issues described
in Section 1.1 above.
The results from several experiments, including FIFE, HAPEX-Mobilhy and
others were presented and discussed at the meeting. In broad summary, the
principal findings were as follows:
(i) Scaling Issues: The problems of scaling soil-vegetation-atmosphere
models from local scales up to several kilometers do not appear to be
as severe as originally feared. This point was reemphasized at a joint
ISLSCP-BAHC (BAHC; Biological Aspects of the Hydrological Cycle - an
element of IGBP) workshop held in Tucson, Arizona, in March 1994, which
focused specifically on scaling. A number of studies presented at the
workshop indicated that the radiative transfer and mass and heat
transport models used to describe processes on the scale of individual
plants or small plots could be used to calculate large-scale (10-50 km)
surface-atmosphere fluxes to acceptable accuracies using relatively
simple spatial-aggregation techniques. In some of these studies,
explicit checks were made on the accuracy of these methods using a
variety of surface and airborne instruments to cover the scale range
from a few centimeters out to several kilometers.
(ii) Use of Satellite Data: The field experiments sponsored by ISLSCP and
other organizations involved the collection of integrated data sets,
which allowed end-to-end evaluation of procedures for calculating
surface state parameters from exoatmospheric radiances. It was found
that several components of the surface radiation budget (insolation,
downward photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), reflected
shortwave) could be estimated from sensors on geostationary platforms
to good accuracy and that useful estimates of downward longwave and net
radiation could also be calculated. Satellite data were used to
calculate surface biophysical parameters, including the fraction of
photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the green portion of
the vegetation canopy (FPAR), unstressed stomatal conductance and
photosynthetic capacity. These parameters have been used in simulation
models to calculate the surface-atmosphere fluxes of carbon and water.
Significantly, the remote sensing methodologies, the parameters, and
the models themselves have been shown to be largely scale-invariant.
This indicates that the local-scale models tested on the field
experiment scale could be combined with large-scale satellite data sets
to produce continental-scale fields of energy and mass (water and
carbon dioxide) fluxes.
The field experiments succeeded in dealing with the two major issues that
framed their design. The next task was to take the lessons learned from the
experiments and apply them to improve models and to generate better data sets.
It can be argued that the modeling community directly benefited from the work:
several off-line models and at least three operational GCMs currently utilize
formulations that are based on field experiment results. However, it is also
clear that the experimental results were only occasionally used to help
generate improved large-scale data sets from satellite data.
It was concluded at the 1992 workshop that the communities working on model
development and on past and planned field experiments had their activities in
hand. However, it was made clear that the availability and accessibility of
global data sets for land-atmosphere models were unsatisfactory.
Each modeling group reaffirmed the need for global data sets for
initialization and boundary conditions, forcing, and validation, see Figure 2.
The stated intention was to thoroughly test the surface models independent of
atmospheric models, which cannot be relied on to provide realistic forcings,
so as to highlight the components of the land models that need attention.
Figure 2 shows the roles of the different data required to do this task.
These are summarized below:
(i) Surface Boundary Conditions: Land cover type and associated
biophysical attributes, including FPAR, leaf area index, roughness
length, albedo, etc., are all necessary to specify the state and
activity of vegetation in the models. Soils, snow cover and ice data
are needed by hydrological submodels.
(ii) Forcings: Near-surface meteorological conditions (temperature,
humidity, wind speed), radiation fluxes and precipitation are needed by
almost all land-atmosphere models. Many of the energy-water-carbon
models require that the diurnal cycle be resolved in these data and
that the precipitation forcing be divided into convective and large-
scale fractions.
(iii) Fluxes: The energy-water-carbon and biogeochemistry models calculate
the land-atmosphere exchanges of energy, water, carbon, and trace
constituents and changes in equivalent storage quantities within the
vegetation-soil system. For example, land surface parameterizations in
GCMs typically produce time-series of evapotranspiration, soil
moisture, snow and ice storage, and runoff. With the exception of some
satellite-derived surface radiation budget data sets, there are no
truly global data sets available that can be used to continuously
validate the output from these models; the communities have to make do
with temporally and spatially sparse surface-atmosphere flux data sets,
which are mainly derived from field experiment data, and a few runoff
Within this framework, each modeling group prepared its own prioritized list
of data sets. When these were analyzed and compared, it was found that there
was a large overlap in the stated requirements. Table 1 lists the
consolidated data needs as prioritized across the three working groups at the
workshop. At the time, these high priority data sets were perceived to be
unavailable or inaccessible to the modeling community. Specifically;
(i) Operational meteorological agencies generate streams of 4-dimensional
data assimilation (4DDA) products, including near-surface meteorology,
radiation fluxes, soil moisture fields, etc., but the required
information specified by the working groups was expensive and difficult
to extract from the product archives.
(ii) Very few satellite-based data products were actually available.
(iii) Other data sets based on surface survey work (soils, topography,
runoff were available but required considerable further analysis or
reduction to make them directly useful to the modelers.
With regard to data accessibility, it was thought that with some effort the
situation could be greatly improved. In most cases, such as the 4DDA
products, soils information, topography, etc., it was thought to be more a
question of institutions deciding to take on the job and committing resources
to see it through, rather than the solution of difficult technical problems.
The situation with respect to data availability was different: archives of
satellite data certainly existed in the form of instrument counts,
exoatmospheric radiances, or in some cases atmospherically-corrected surface
radiances. In only a handful of cases, for example the International
Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) cloud products and the Earth
Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) surface (clear-sky) albedo products, were
there global fields of surface or atmospheric parameters. For some of the
satellite-based products specified in Table 1 (vegetation, incident PAR,
insolation), the raw satellite data existed but the processing had not been
carried through to the production of global data sets of physical or
biophysical parameters. However, most of the necessary tools and materials
for undertaking such a project were available at the time of the workshop:
the data existed, many of the algorithms had been developed and tested using
field experiment data, and the required data product list was defined. What
was required was an initiative to bring all of these things and the
appropriate scientific expertise together to actually produce the global data
sets. It was repeatedly pointed out that huge resources had been expended by
agencies to design and launch satellite instruments, collect and archive the
observations, and conduct the necessary investigations to understand and use
the data. The final step, applying recent scientific experience to produce
global data sets of useful and usable parameters, was a clear priority and
would be relatively cheap to execute, but had been done in only a few cases.
These general assessments formed the basis for some specific recommendations.
Three initiatives were put forward by the workshop. These cover the immediate
generation of global data sets, the improvement of methodologies and
algorithms for follow-on data sets, and the improvement of communications
between different elements of the Land Science community. These are discussed
in turn below.
INITIATIVE I. Immediate Generation of High Priority Global Data Sets
The original 1992 workshop recommendation is restated more or less verbatim
here. "It is proposed that some essential global data sets could be put
together within 2 years, i.e., by the summer of 1994, and released to the
community. Existing or planned data management systems should be involved in
this effort from the beginning. The data sets are listed in order of priority
in Table 1 and are shown schematically in Figure 2. The workshop made the
following recommendations for the four areas of vegetation, hydrometeorology,
radiation, and soils.
Vegetation: Global, monthly data sets of vegetation-related parameters should
be generated at good spatial resolution 1(00 x 100 km or better is preferred)
and monthly time resolution. The available AVHRR data should be used as the
basis of this effort and algorithms applied to calculate fields of cover type,
phenology, FPAR and leaf area index.
Hydrometeorology: Near-surface meteorological data sets should be extracted
from the 4-dimensional data assimilation (4DDA) streams generated by
operational meteorological agencies. Specifically, near-surface temperature,
humidity, wind vector, surface temperature, soil moisture content, radiation
components and precipitation should all be saved. Temporal resolution should
be sufficient to resolve the diurnal cycle (preferably four or more reports
per day).
A number of institutions hold archives of rainfall data. A gridded product
(100 x 100 km or better) is required with monthly time resolution and some
information, direct or indirect, on the proportion of convective to large-
scale precipitation. Runoff data is stored at the Global Runoff Data Center
(GRDC) in Germany -- these data should be processed to yield mm/day numbers
(monthly means) for selected large catchments. This data subset would be of
more direct use to modelers.
Snow and ice data are collated by NOAA and NASA in the U.S. and also by
Canadian and Russian operational agencies, largely from analyses of optical
satellite data and in situ observations. The temporal resolution of the data
should be sufficient to resolve weather-related changes in snow extent.
Radiation: There is a strong desire to have many components of the surface
radiation budget available at resolutions down to 50 x 50 km, although it is
clear the community could do good work with coarser resolution (250 x 250 km)
products. Again, the temporal resolution should be sufficient to resolve the
diurnal cycle. ISCCP holds data sets on insolation and longwave fluxes on a
250 x 250 km grid. The continuing ERBE work provides surface albedo estimates
and net surface shortwave radiation fluxes on the same scale.
Soils, Soil Moisture, and Topography: Global soils data sets with
quantitative even if only best-guess, soils physics and soils chemistry
information are needed. Soil texture, depth, porosity, mineralogy, and pH
fields are required by some water-energy-vegetation and most biogeochemistry
modelers. A data set could be quickly generated based on the Food and
Agricultural Organization (FAO) global 1 deg. x 1 deg. data base and
supporting or related information.
Soil moisture information is very useful for validating all classes of models
It was recommended that the soil moisture remote sensing community be tasked
with producing some global or regional products from existing sources, such as
in situ observations and spaceborne microwave sensors (e.g., SSM/I), even if
this turns out to give only qualitative spatial and temporal patterns of soil
moisture climatology, rather than precise information at a single point under
ideal retrieval conditions. (These patterns would be very useful for checking
4DDA fields and other soil moisture estimates).
Good topographic data sets are available but not easily accessible. Every
effort should be made to extract the best available product from the U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS) or the Defense Mapping Agency (DMA).
This recommendation framed ISLSCP Initiative I. After the 1992 workshop, an
ad hoc ISLSCP Science Steering Committee supported by staff at NASA GSFC
worked to put together a mutually consistent collection of data sets that
would meet the needs expressed in Table 1. This effort has resulted in the
issue of this collection of CDs, the contents of which are summarized in
section 2. In large part, these data sets satisfy the requirements stated in
Table 1, except for those specifying soil chemical properties, which hopefully
will be addressed by elements of IGBP, and topography, which is being handled
by a team at EROS Data Center as part of the Earth Observing System (EOS)
project. It should be noted that, as requested, all the data were reformatted
to a common 1 deg. x 1 deg. grid and cover the same period, 1987-1988.
The Initiative I CDs should be an invaluable resource for initializing,
forcing, and validating all three classes of land models, see Figure 2. One
example; the International Geosphere-Biosphere Project (IGBP) may use the CDs
as a baseline initial condition and meteorological forcing data set for a
global carbon model intercomparison exercise. Another example; the data on
the CDs will be used to force offline versions of land surface
parameterizations (LSPs) to calculate more realistic global fields of
hydrological variables including; evapotranspiration, soil moisture, runoff,
etc. This last project is sponsored by GEWEX-ISLSCP and IGBP-BAHC. Besides
these and similar applications, the data set will provide a strong starting
position for global studies that will help the Land Science community prepare
for the Earth Observing System data stream.
INITIATIVE II. Improved, Follow-On Data Sets
The data sets specified in Initiative I were generated over a 2 year period
i.e., with existing data and the available robust and simple algorithms. The
resulting products go some way toward satisfying the immediate needs of the
modelers and will exercise every aspect of the data-algorithm-modeler pipeline
as well as (hopefully) a data system or two en route. However, it is clear
that great improvements could be made over this first data release, mainly in
the areas of temporal coverage, algorithm improvement, and validation. ISLSCP
Initiative II has the aim of releasing an improved set of global data in 1997,
which should cover the period 1986-1995.
INITIATIVE III. Improved Communications Within the Land Science Community
The workshop highlighted the extent to which related research thrusts can
become separated from each other even when it is obvious that there are strong
mutual scientific interests at stake. It was recognized that top-down
coordination by management could provide only part of the answer. It is
equally important to provide regular forums where the different communities
discuss their areas of overlap on a scientist-to-scientist basis. It was
observed that many recent workshops had drifted into within-discipline
discussions (e.g., wish-list writing, experiment design, etc.) with little
time to focus on the so-called bottleneck issues (e.g., implementation of
algorithms to produce global data sets, incorporation of late-developing model
needs into experiment design, etc.). Clearly, these cross-cutting issues need
explicit attention.
The workshop recommendations for Initiative I provided the starting point for
the collection, compilation and documentation of the global data sets
necessary to satisfy the requirements summarized in Table 1 and section 1.5.
Immediately after the 1992 workshop, a team at NASA GSFC started to
communicate with possible sources of the required data and worked to define
the form of the final product.
The previous section mentioned that modelers were frequently hampered by the
need to match up incongruent data sets, a task that not only wastes time but
can also inject artifacts into the data so that model-to-model comparisons
become less exact, depending on the type and number of regridding or
interpolation operations performed on the original data. Initiative I
specified the need for uniform data sets, which is interpreted to mean that
the data sets should have as far as possible the same spatial and temporal
resolutions, time period, and area of coverage (i.e., no spatial or temporal
gaps) and be supported by uniform documentation. In principle, it should be
possible to operate a land-atmosphere model continuously over the entire
spatial and temporal domain of the data without encountering problems, such as
missing data, in the process. Similarly, it should be possible to select any
grid point and access all the necessary data to initialize and force a land-
surface model over the period covered by the data set. To satisfy these
requirements, the data should be spatially and temporally uniform and
contiguous, and should also be uniform "vertically"; that is, a common spatial
resolution allows for the 'stacking' of different data sets over the same grid
area, which makes for much easier 1-dimensional model operation. Taking Table
1 as a basis, the team surveyed available data sources and decided on the
following attributes for the final products.
Spatial Resolution: All data were obtained or were regridded to a single 1
deg. x 1 deg. equal-angle grid. The sides of each grid box are specified by
integer latitude/longitude lines. A single land mask was applied to all the
The regridding procedure was very simple: a 1 deg. x 1 deg. grid was laid over
the source data field and area-weighted averages of the values falling within
each new grid square were calculated. No smoothing or other interpolation
procedures were applied to the data except where data were missing, in which
case simple interpolation schemes were used. These schemes are described in
detail in the data set documentation on the CDs.
Temporal Resolution: The temporal resolutions of the data sets are nested to
resolve the diurnal and seasonal cycles as appropriate, see Table 2. The
forcing data sets--near-surface meteorology, radiation, and precipitation--are
provided as 6-hourly values so that the diurnal cycle is resolved as requested
by the energy-water-carbon modelers. Most of the other data sets are monthly
(e.g., vegetation attributes) or fixed (e.g., soil type). Some of the
shortwave radiation data are presented as diurnally resolved, monthly means;
that is, for each month, eight mean radiation fields are provided at 3-hourly
GMT intervals: 0000Z, 0300Z, 0600Z and so on.
Spatial Coverage: With a few well-documented exceptions (runoff, snow cover
and depth, and some of the radiation products), all the data are spatially
continuous over the specified land mask. In some cases, this meant that data
sets had to be interpolated spatially so as to prevent leaving holes; when
this was done, a mask showing which data points were synthesized was
generated. The objective was to provide a reliable data set that would allow
continuous operation of land-atmosphere models without having to invoke
complex procedures to deal with null data points. The exceptions are
represented by data sets that are to be used for validation rather than model
Temporal Coverage: The initial requirement was for 1 year's worth of data.
This was extended to 2 years to provide some notion of interannual
variability. It was decided to choose contiguous years for ease of model
operation. The period 1987-1988 was selected, as it covers a period when many
of the source data sets were simultaneously available and also covers wet
(1987) and dry (1988) summer conditions in North America.
Formatting and Documentation: A variety of data formatting options were
considered. It was finally decided that in order to ensure the easiest and
widest possible use of the data, all of the data sets would be represented as
simple ASCII files. Each global field starts at 90 deg. N, 180 deg. W and is
read 360 grid cells toward the east before dropping down a row to start again
at 89 deg. N, 180 deg. W; in other words, the data read like written text from
the North pole and dateline southward. Data at very high latitudes are
usually meaningless due to the small areas involved; in these cases, the grid
cells are filled by replicating values from adjacent cells. Nulls in the data
sets are represented by negative nines which are specified at the same
numerical resolution as the data; e.g., the null for a 3 digit number is -999.
The documentation follows a consistent format across all the data sets, see
Table 3. This has obvious advantages; after a short learning process, the
user can easily target specific sections to get the desired information on any
of the data sets. The documentation is also fairly detailed so that the user
is not directed to external sources of information except for really indepth
material on sensors or analysis techniques. References are provided.
The data sets are organized into the following categories on the CD.
Vegetation: Land Cover and Biophysics
Hydrology and Soils
Snow, Ice, and Oceans
Radiation and Clouds
Near-Surface Meteorology
The subsections below briefly review the contents of each of these data
categories, further information can be found in the documentation accompanying
each data set.
2.2.1 VEGETATION: Land Cover and Biophysics (Table 2A)
The basis for this data set is the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
(NDVI) data set calculated from AVHRR data by Los et al. (1994) following the
work of Tucker et al. (1986). These data were already in the form of a 1 deg.
x 1 deg. monthly composited NDVI data set; i.e., no further single channel
data or geometric information were available at the time. Some simple
procedures were used to fill in gaps in the data set, and crude corrections
were made to account for the effects of solar angle and persistent clouds to
make the temporally and spatially continuous FASIR-NDVI product, see Sellers
et al. (1994). The FASIR-NDVI data were used to create fields of FPAR, leaf
area index, and greenness, which in turn were used to calculate monthly snow-
free albedo and surface roughness fields, see Sellers et al. (1994). The
land/sea mask associated with these data sets was adopted as the standard for
masking the other data placed on the CD.
All of these operations, starting with the production of the FASIR-NDVI
fields, require some assumptions about land cover type. DeFries and Townshend
(1994) analyzed NDVI data to specify the distribution of land cover types for
the world. This classification map was used to apply vegetation cover-
specific algorithms for the calculation of the higher order products listed in
Table 2A. The documentation for this data set also includes parameter values
associated with each vegetation type as used in the SiB2 model of Sellers et
al. (in prep.).
Soil background fields had to be specified as lower boundary conditions for
the calculation of the snow-free albedo in Table 2A. For the most part,
background (soil or litter layer) reflectances were assigned values typical of
each vegetation type, as specified in DeFries and Townshend (1994), in the
same way as was done by Dorman and Sellers (1989). However, this procedure
resulted in some problems in sparsely-vegetated regions so ERBE data were used
to estimate surface reflectances in desert areas between 45 deg. S and 45 deg.
N, see Sellers et al. (1994).
Last, the documentation for this data set includes parameter values associated
with each vegetation type as used in the SiB2 model of Sellers et al. (in
The Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) reanalyzed their archive
of surface rain gauge data to produce a 1 deg. x 1 deg. monthly precipitation
product for 1987-1988. The standard land/sea mask was applied by the
publication group at NASA GSFC, see Figure 3. The Global Runoff Data Center
(GRDC) contributed monthly river runoff rate data for 14 basins together with
information on the location of the gauges and the catchment area upstream of
the gauge. The percentage of each 1 deg. x 1 deg. grid area covered by lakes,
rivers, and marshes was obtained from data published by Cogley (1991).
The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) archive on soil properties has
been extensively scrutinized by researchers at the University of Arizona
(Sorooshian, Amer), NASA GSFC (Koster) and at NASA GISS (Zobler). These
analyses were combined to create consistent global fields of soil texture,
depth, and slope.
2.2.3 SNOW, ICE AND OCEANS (Table 2C)
NOAA NESDIS provides a weekly analysis of Northern Hemisphere snow cover from
optical satellite data; the analyses are done by hand. Robinson (pers. comm.)
of Rutgers University provided these data after regridding them to 1 deg. x 1
deg. The U.S. Air Force assembles a monthly snow depth map based on a variety
of sources including satellite data and in situ measurements carried out at
reporting airfields. The NOAA National Meteorological Center (NMC) provided
analyses of sea ice cover and sea surface temperature at monthly time
resolution at the required 1 deg. x 1 deg. resolution. The land/sea mask was
then applied at GSFC. Last, a fine resolution map of the land-ocean boundary
was provided by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) based on
data collated by the U.S. Navy.
Global monthly fields of sea surface temperature (SST) and sea ice
concentration were also included in the data set in response to requests from
GCM modelers who wished to have a complete set of surface boundary conditions
on the CD.
Pinker and Laszlo of the University of Maryland processed the satellite data
analyses held in the ISCCP archive, see Schiffer and Rossow (1985), to create
five global radiation products. The 2.5 deg. x 2.5 deg. ISCCP data were used
to generate estimates of the surface and top of the atmosphere (TOA) incident
and upwelling shortwave fluxes. In addition, the surface downwelling PAR flux
was also calculated. These estimates were generated every 3 hours based on
GMT observing times, i.e., 0000Z, 0300Z, 0600Z, etc. To reduce the noise in
their products, Pinker and Laszlo averaged the observations for each 3-hour
period by month to produce a mean diurnal cycle of eight (monthly-averaged)
values for each month in 1987-1988. NASA LaRC used a similar methodology to
generate monthly means (not diurnally resolved) of surface incident and net
shortwave and longwave radiation, and net radiation, see Darnell et al.
The ISCCP group at NASA GISS generated a series of cloud parameters from
analyses of the ISCCP C2 satellite data archive. These include cloud amount,
cloud top pressure, cloud optical thickness, and cloud water paths, see Rossow
et al. (1991) and Rossow and Schiffer (1991).
The ERBE S4 clear-sky albedo product was generated from composites of
satellite data, see Barkstrom et al. (1990). These data are provided as
monthly means and do not extend beyond the solar terminator. They are likely
to be dubious in persistently cloudy areas.
All the products described above were originally generated on a 2.5 deg. x 2.5
deg. equal-area grid, which was reprocessed at NASA GSFC onto the 1 deg. x 1
deg. grid used by ISLSCP, see Figure 3. However, the standard land/sea mask
was not applied to any of these data sets. The diurnally resolved data of
Pinker and Laszlo had some 'holes' in it due to gaps in some of the
geostationary satellite data records used to create the ISCCP product. These
"holes" were patched using a simple temporal interpolation technique that made
use of solar angle information; the patched areas are flagged in the final 1
deg. x 1 deg. product. Some of the NASA GISS cloud product fields are also
discontinuous; in particular, there are gaps close to and a complete lack of
data above the solar terminator for some of the fields.
The radiation and clouds data are intended to be used as follows. The
University of Maryland and NASA LaRC products are useful for forcing models;
these are probably the best current estimates that we have for global surface
radiation fluxes. We have further used these data in combination with GCM
output to synthesize estimates of the downwelling shortwave and longwave
fluxes every 6 hours, see next section. The ISCCP cloud products may be
useful for testing atmospheric radiation models. The ERBE clear-sky albedo
product may be useful for validating model-generated fields, in particular the
effects of snow when combined with the snow-free albedo fields described in
section 2.2.1. (Table 2A).
The bulk of the near-surface meteorological products on the CD were extracted
from the ECMWF operational forecast analysis archive. The data set consists
of time-series of meteorological variables at 6-hourly intervals (0000Z,
0600Z, 1200Z, 1800Z) and monthly 6-hourly averages of these and many other
diagnostic and prognostic variables. The meteorological variables that are
required to force land-atmosphere models with resolved diurnal cycles were
extracted from this stream: surface pressure, air temperature, dew point, and
wind speed (magnitude). It was also desired to have incident shortwave and
longwave radiation fluxes and precipitation rates, preferably broken into
large-scale and convective components, at the same 6-hourly temporal
resolution. However, the ECMWF output did not contain precipitation rates,
and their radiation flux estimates were thought to be biased due to a
systematic underestimation of cloud cover by the model version used to
generate these products. To fill the gap, the NASA GSFC team generated hybrid
radiation products: the time-series of ECMWF estimates of surface shortwave
and longwave fluxes were used to divide up the NASA LaRC satellite-based
monthly radiation fluxes into 6-hourly intervals. This resulted in the
synthesis of 6-hourly incident shortwave and longwave fluxes that add up to
match the NASA LaRC monthly means. A similar procedure was used at NMC by
Mitchell to generate 6-hourly estimates of precipitation. Six-hourly total
and convective precipitation fields from the 4DDA-based NMC Reanalysis Project
(Kalnay and Jenne, 1991) were used to partition the observed monthly GPCP
precipitation products into 6-hourly time series of estimated total and
convective precipitation, wherein the total precipitation added up to match
the GPCP monthly totals. In this procedure, a screening was applied, based on
the FGGE daily rainfall data, following Liston et al. (1993), to better
reproduce the observed frequency of measurable daily rainfall. All of this
effort has resulted in a temporally and spatially consistent meteorological
forcings data set with a 6-hourly timestep, see Table 2E(iii).
These quantities, and some others that were held on the ECMWF record at 6-
hourly resolution, were processed to provide monthly 6-hourly mean products
and statistics, see Table 2E(ii). Of particular interest are the ECMWF-
generated estimates of the surface radiation and heat fluxes.
Monthly mean fields and associated statistics of some of the prescribed or
initial fields of surface boundary conditions used by ECMWF are listed in
Table 2E(i). These fields were generated from a variety of sources (see the
documentation) and are not recommended as initialization or boundary condition
fields for current modelers; they are provided as information to help users
understand what assumptions were made in generating the forcing fields in
Table 2E(iii). For example, the ECMWF snow-free albedo field is based on the
products of Dorman and Sellers (1989), which are thought to be less accurate
than the satellite-data based products described in Section 2.2.1.
All the ECMWF fields were converted from grid cell corner point values to
values representative of the entire (ECMWF) grid cell; these were then
converted to the ISLSCP 1 deg. x 1 deg. grid and the land/sea mask was
applied, see Figure 3.
In summary, a combination of products from operational meteorological agencies
(ECMWF and NMC); satellite-data based radiation estimates (NASA LaRC); and
global surface rain gauge analyses (GPCP) have been used to generate time-
series of the required near-surface model forcings for the period 1987-1988 at
a 6-hourly time resolution. These are supported by a range of ancillary time-
averaged quantities that may be useful for forcing models that run on a
monthly timestep.
A peer review process was organized by Kerr and Meeson to ensure the quality
of the data and documentation to be placed on the CDs. In the first stage,
the documentation was reviewed by individuals familiar with the data sets but
not directly involved in writing the documentation. The intent of this review
was twofold; first, to provide a "second opinion" and second, to ensure the
accuracy and clarity of the documentation. The reviewers were asked to
identify subtle as well as major inaccuracies or gaps that only someone
familiar with the data set would know. To provide a uniform and consistent
review of the documents, a set of document review guidelines and a response
form were drafted and sent with the documents to all document reviewers.
Comments or corrections received from these reviewers were addressed and
incorporated into documentation before it moved on to the second stage of the
review procedure.
In the second stage, reviewers were sent both the revised documentation and
the data, and were asked to examine them using a common set of criteria.
These criteria focused on the identification of errors or inaccuracies within
the data and related documentation. The reviewers were selected for their
general familiarity with the type of data that they were to review. This
stage of the review process was completed in two workshops that focused on the
mutual consistency of the data sets and documentation. The findings of these
workshops and the individual data reviews are summarized in the paper of Kerr
et al., also reproduced on this CD.
The Initiative I data sets should provide modelers with many of the fields
required to prescribe boundary conditions, and to initialize and force a wide
range of land-biosphere-atmosphere models. All of the data have been
processed to the same spatial resolution (1 deg. x 1 deg.), using the
same land/sea mask and steps have been taken to ensure spatial and temporal
continuity of the data. The data sets cover the period 1987-1988 at 1-monthly
time resolution for most of the seasonally varying quantities and at 6-hourly
resolution for the near-surface meteorological and radiative forcings.
ISLSCP Initiative II aims to improve on this effort by covering a longer time
period (1986-1995), at higher spatial resolution (0.5 deg. x 0.5 deg.), using
superior data sources and algorithms where possible. In addition, GEWEX-
ISLSCP and other organizations, for example IGBP-BAHC, are pursuing approaches
for collating validation data sets to check the Initiative II data sets at a
few times and places embedded within these global data sets.
Barkstrom, B.R., E.F. Harrison, and R.B. Lee (1990). Earth Radiation Budget
Experiment, preliminary seasonal results. EOS Transactions. American
Geophysical Union. 71, February 27.
Betts, A.K., J.H. Ball, A.C.M. Beljaars, M.J. Miller, and P.Viterbo (1994).
Coupling between land-surface boundary-layer parameterizations and rainfall on
local and regional scales: Lessons from the wet summer of 1993. Fifth
Conference on Global Change Studies: Amer. Meteor. Society Proceedings. 74th
Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, Jan. 23-28, 1994.
Bonan, G.B. (1995). Land-atmosphere interactions for climate system models:
Coupling biophysical, biogeochemical, and ecosystem dynamical processes. Rem.
Sens. Env. 51:1:57-73.
Cogley, J.G. (1991). GGHYDRO-global hydrographic data, release 2. Available
from the author at Trent University, Ontario, CANADA.
Darnell, W.L., W.F. Staylor, S.K. Gupta, N.A. Ritchey, and A.C. Wilber (1992).
Seasonal variation of surface radiation budget derived from ISCCP-C1 data. J.
Geophys. Res. 97:15741-15760.
DeFries, R.S., and J.R.G. Townshend (1994). NDVI-derived land cover
classification at global scales. I. J. of Remote Sensing. 15:17:3567-3586.
Dickinson, R.E. (1995). Land processes in climate models. Rem. Sens. Env.
Dorman, J.L., and P.J. Sellers (1989). A global climatology of albedo,
roughness length, and stomatal resistance for atmospheric general circulation
models as represented by the Simple Biosphere Model (SiB). J. Appl. Met.
Field, C.B., C.M. Malmstrom, J.T. Randerson (1995). Ecosystem net primary
production: combining ecology and remote sensing. Rem. Sens. Env. 51:1:74-88.
Kalnay, E., and R. Jenne (1991). Summary of the NMC/NCAR reanalysis. Bull.
Amer. Meteor. Soc. 72:897-1904.
Liston, G.E., Y.C. Sud, and G. Walker (1993). Design of a global soil moisture
initialization procedure for the Simple Biosphere model. NASA Tech. Memo.
104590. Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD.
Los, S.O., C.O. Justice, and C.J. Tucker (1994). A 1 deg. x 1 deg. global NDVI
data set for climate studies derived from the GIMMS continental NDVI data. I.
J. of Remote Sensing. 15:3493-3518.
Noilhan, J., P. Bougeault, B. Bretl, and P. LaCarrere (1991). An example of
spatial integration of a land surface parameterization in meso-beta scale
model. In Land Surface Evaporation. Eds Schmugge and Andre. Springer-Verlag,
New York. 383-402.
Rossow, W.B., L.C. Garder, P.J. Lu, and A. Walker (1991). International
Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISLSCP): Documentation of cloud data.
Tech. Doc. WMO/TD-No. 266 (revised). World Meteorological Organization.
Geneva. 76 p. plus three appendices.
Rossow, W.B., and R.A. Schiffer (1991). ISCCP cloud data products. Bull. Amer.
Meteor. Soc. 72:2-20.
Sato, N., P.J. Sellers, D.A. Randall, E.K. Schneider, J. Kinter III, J.
Shukla, Y-T Hou, and E. Albertazzi (1989). Effects of implementing the simple
biosphere model (SiB) in a general circulation model. J. Atmos. Sci.
Schiffer, R.A., and W.B. Rossow (1985). ISCCP Global Radiance Data Set. A new
resource for climate research. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 66:1498-1505.
Schimel, D.S. (1995). Terrestrial biogeochemical cycles: Global estimates with
remote sensing. Rem. Sens. Env. 51:1:49-56.
Sellers, P.J., D.A. Randall, C.J. Collatz, J.A. Berry, C.B. Field, D.A.
Dazlich, C. Zhang, and G.D. Collelo (in prep.). A revised land surface
parameterization (SiB2) for atmospheric GCMs. Part 1: Model formulation.
Submitted to J. of Climate.
Sellers, P.J., B.W. Meeson, F.G. Hall, G. Asrar, R.E. Murphy, R.A. Schiffer,
F.P. Bretherton, R.E. Dickinson, R.G. Ellingson, C.B. Field, K.F. Huemmrich,
C.O. Justice, J.M. Melack, N.T. Roulet, D.S. Schimel, and P.D. Try (1995).
Remote sensing of the land surface for studies of global change: Models-
algorithms-experiments. Rem. Sens. Env. 15:1:3-26.
Sellers, P.J., S.O. Los, C.J. Tucker, C.O. Justice, D.A. Dazlich, G.J.
Collatz, and D.A. Randall (1994). A global 1 deg. x 1 deg. NDVI data set for
climate studies. Part 2: The generation of global fields of terrestrial
biophysical parameters from the NDVI. I. J. Remote Sensing. 15:7:3519-3545.
Sellers, P.J., S.I. Rasool, and H-J. Bolle (1990). A review of satellite data
algorithms for studies of the land surface. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc. 71:10:1429-
Tans, P.P., I.Y. Fung, and T. Takahashi (1990). Observational constraints on
the global atmospheric carbon dioxide budget. Science. 247:1431-1438.
Tucker, C.J., I.Y. Fung, C.D. Keeling and R.H. Gammon (1986). Relationship
between atmospheric carbon dioxide variations and a satellite-derived
vegetation index. Nature. 319:195-199.
Many people and organizations worked hard to turn Initiative I into a reality.
First, special thanks are due to Ghassem Asrar of NASA Headquarters; David
Schimel of CSMP; TERRA Laboratory, a consortium of the USDA's Agriculture
Resource Service (Steve Rawling and Don DeCoursey); the USDA's Forest Service
(Doug Fox); and the USGS (Ray Watts) for providing financial support for the
1992 ISLSCP Workshop that started the activity. The bulk of the funding came
from the EOS program at NASA HQ. Dr. Asrar is particularly thanked for his
unflagging moral support of this effort from start to finish.
Next, financial support for the data compilation and production phase of the
CDs was provided by Drs. Bob Murphy and Tony Janetos of NASA HQ.
Encouragement was provided by the chair of WCRP-GEWEX, Dr. Moustafa Chahine
and the Director of WCRP, Dr. Pierre Morel. All are warmly thanked. The
support of NASA Headquarters, Office of Mission to Planet Earth, the
Operations, Data and Information Systems Division, and the Science Division
are gratefully acknowledged. The authors would also like to thank the EOS-
DIS, Goddard Distributed Active Archive Center (GSFC-DAAC) for their support
of this work.
In addition to review work done by the authors, the data sets and
documentation were reviewed by volunteers in the community: Nigel Arnell,
Lahouari Bounoua, Peter Briggs, Gerard Dedieu, Bob Dickinson, Han Dolman, John
Gash, Barry Goodison, Fred Huemmrich, Alfredo Huete, John Janoviak, Jenny
Lean, Jean-Claude Menaut, Joel Noilhan, Michael Raupach, Chet Ropelewski, Bill
Rossow, Steve Running, T.R.E. Thompson, Anne Walker, Ivan Wright, YongKang
In many cases, the donors of the data sets gave up a great deal of their time
in addition to the data sets; all are thanked for the help. The list of
individuals includes:
Vegetation: Land Cover and Biophysics
Jim Tucker, Chris Justice, Sietse Los, Piers Sellers, Don Dazlich, Jim
Collatz, Nazmi El Saleous, Ruth DeFries, John Townshend, Ed Harrison.
Hydrology and Soils
Wolfgang Grabs, Arnold Gruber, J.G. Cogley, Saud Amer, Soroosh
Sorooshian, Leonard Zobler, Norman Bliss, Dan Braithwaite, Randy
Bruno Rudolf, Udo Schneider, Paul Try.
Snow, Ice and Oceans
Dudley Foster, David Robinson, Jay Wright, Richard Reynolds, Bob
Radiation and Clouds
Rachel Pinker, Istvan Laszlo, Wayne Darnell, Charles Whitlock, Bruce
Barkstrom, Ed Harrison, Bill Rossow, Bob Schiffer, Chris Brest, W. F.
Near-Surface Meteorology
Tony Hollingsworth, Horst Bottger, Ken Mitchell, Ying Lin.
The organizations who own or sponsored the collation of the data are listed in
the data documentation and on the cover of the CDs. Special mention goes to
NASA GSFC Branches 923 and 974; NASA GSFC DAAC 902.2;
Universities: Maryland, Arizona, Trent, Rutgers;
Scientific Research Centers: NOAA NMC, ECMWF, NASA GISS, NASA LaRC, USAF
ETAC, EROS Data Center, USGS.
The ISLSCP Steering Committee are warmly thanked for putting up with many
reviews of the progress of the CDs and for providing valuable guidance to the
Initiative I team throughout the long process of assembling the data sets.
The steering committee and invited experts included: Nigel Arnell, Dennis
Baldocchi, Alan Betts, Josef Cihlar, Ray Desjardins, Robert Dickinson, Chris
Field, Barry Goodison, Forrest Hall, Chris Justice, Pavel Kabat, Yann Kerr,
Nobuo Sato, Jerry Melillo, Carlos Nobre, John Norman, Michael Raupach, Steve
Running, Piers Sellers, Jim Shuttleworth, Soroosh Sorooshian, Jim Wallace;
(ex-officio) Ichtiaque Rasool, John Townshend, Moustafa Chahine, Jim Dodge,
Paul Try, Ghassem Asrar, Tony Janetos, Bob Murphy, Bob Schiffer, Mike
Coughlan, Pierre Morel.
Thanks go to Dawn Erlich for arranging ISLSCP meeting logistics. Last but by
no means least, thanks go to Laura Blasingame and Valerie McElroy for typing
and editing this paper.
4DDA 4-Dimensional Data Assimilation
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
BAHC Biospheric Aspects of the Hydrological Cycle (IGBP Core Project)
BGC Biogeochemistry
CD Compact Disc
CD-ROM Compact Disc-Read Only Memory
CSMP Climate Simulation Modeling Project
DAAC Distributed Active Archive Center
DMA Defense Mapping Agency
ECMWF European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
EOS Earth Observing System
ERBE Earth Radiation Budget Experiment
ERS-1 European Research Satellite-1
ESA European Space Agency
FASIR Fourier-Adjusted, Solar Zenith Angle Corrected, Interpolated and
Reconstructed Data
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (UN)
FGGE First GARP Global Experiment
FIFE First ISLSCP Field Experiment
FPAR Fraction of PAR Absorbed by the Vegetation Canopy
GCM General Circulation Model (of the Atmosphere)
GEWEX Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment
GISS Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA)
GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GPCP Global Precipitation Climatology Project
GRDC Global Runoff Data Center
GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA)
HAPEX Hydrology-Atmosphere Pilot Experiment
IGBP International Geosphere-Biosphere Project
IGBP-DIS IGBP-Data and Information System
ISCCP International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project
ISLSCP International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project
JMA Japanese Meteorological Agency
LAI Leaf Area Index
LaRC Langley Research Center (NASA)
LSP Land Surface Parameterization
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research
NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
NESDIS NOAA Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service
NMC National Meteorological Center
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
PAR Photosynthetically Active Radiation
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
SPOT Systeme Probatoire pour L'Observation de la Terre
SRB Surface Radiation Budget
SSM/I Special Sensor Microwave Imager
SST Sea Surface Temperature
TOMS Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
UN United Nations
USGS United States Geological Survey
WCRP World Climate Research Program
Consolidated, Prioritized Data Needs Across the Science Areas:
Water-Energy-Carbon, Biogeochemistry, Ecological Structure and Function
| |------------------| | |
Vegetation |Regional|50x50 km|Monthly |(1) AVHRR |(1) Use an existing |
(Cover type,| and | to | |(2) Landsat,|AVHRR product for now. |
Phenology, | Global | 1x1 km | | SPOT |(2) Support 1x1 km land|
disturbance,| | | | |surface data set |
LAI, FPAR, | | | | |effort. |
etc.) | | | | |(3) Revitalize efforts |
| | | | |to correct data and |
| | | | |apply algorithms to |
| | | | |define biophysical |
| | | | |parameters. |
Near-Surface| Global |50x50 km|Diurnal |NMC, ECMWF, |(1) Initiate work to |
Meteorology | | |cycle, |JMA; |process 4DDA products |
| | |Monthly |4DDA and |into usable data sets. |
| | |means |observations| |
Precipita- | Global |100x100 |Monthly |WCRP - GPCP,|(1) Implement NMC wkshp|
tion | | km |means |Operational |to analyze surface |
| | |and |Met. |network data. |
| | |selected |Agencies; |(2) Check that the abv.|
| | |days |Surface data|is linked to WCRP-GPCP.|
| | | |Thermal IR |(3) Provide resources |
| | | |4DDA |for gridding data if |
| | | | |necessary. |
Radiation | Global | 250x250|Diurnal |GOES, |(1) Define interested |
Fluxes | | km |cycle, |METEOSAT, |communities, dialogue |
(SW & LW, | | to |Monthly |ERBE, AVHRR,|with ISCCP. |
incoming & | | 50x50km|means |TOMS; |(2) Check regressions |
outgoing, | | | |ISCCP, ESA, |using Pathfinder data. |
PAR | | | |NASA |(3) Validate against |
incoming) | | | |analyses |long-term data. |
Soil | Global |100x100 | Once |FAO product |(1) Assign soil physics|
Physics: | | km | |& supporting|parameters to the FAO |
Texture, | | to | |material; |soil descriptor fields |
depth, | | 1x1 km | |New |for now. |
porosity | | | |initiatives,|(2) Support new |
Chemistry: | | | |notably IGBP|initiative, and |
Mineralogy,| | | | |encourage early |
pH | | | | |deliveries. |
Topography |Global |10x10 km| Once |USGS, DMA, |(1) Support efforts to |
| |to 1 km | |ERS-1 |release all data from |
| |or | | |DMA |
| |better | | |(2) Check across data |
| | | | |sets for consistency. |
Runoff |Regional|Catchmnt| Monthly |Global |(1) Strong encouragemnt|
| to |grid | |Runoff Data |to GRDC in Germany, |
| Global |formats | |Center |enlist WMO support. |
| |50x50 km| |(GRDC) in |(2) Encourage |
| | | |Germany |continuous updating of |
| | | | |the data set; gridding |
| | | | |and averaged products. |
Snow and Ice|Regional|25x25 km| Monthly |NOAA, NASA, |(1) Apply existing |
| to | | |Russian, and|techniques. |
| Global | | |Canadian |(2) Develop and apply |
| | | |agencies; |improved algorithms and|
| | | |SSM/I and |international |
| | | |surface |communications links. |
| | | |observations|(3) Investigate use of |
| | | | |SAR. |
Note: (i) "Monthly 3-hourly" refers to values that are monthly means of
3-hourly data. Thus, all the 0000Z values for a month are
averaged into a single value, also the 0300Z values, etc.
(ii) The snow-free albedo data set in section A is based on NDVI
fields and a model calculation, the albedo field in section D
is based on ERBE data, and the fields in section E originate
from a survey of in-situ work.
(iii) The documentation for the vegetation class data in section A
includes vegetation morphological and physiological parameters
associated with each vegetation type in the SiB2 model of
Sellers et al. (in prep.).
(NASA/GSFC, CSU, U. Maryland)
FPAR, LAI, Greenness Monthly
Surface roughness, snow-free albedo Monthly
Background (soil/litter) reflectance (Vis, NIR) Fixed
Vegetation class Fixed
(GPCP, GRDC, U. Arizona, Trent U., NCAR, FAO, NASA/GSFC,
Precipitation (GPCP) Monthly
River runoff (GRDC; 14 basins) Monthly
Lake, river, marsh cover percentage Fixed
Soil texture, depth, slope Fixed
Snow cover; depth Monthly
Sea ice, SST Monthly
Land-ocean boundary Fixed
(U. of Maryland, NASA/LaRC, ISCCP, NASA/GISS)
Surface and TOA incoming and outgoing shortwave Monthly 3-hourly
Surface incoming PAR fluxes Monthly
Surface incoming shortwave and longwave radiation fluxes Monthly
Surface net shortwave, net longwave, net radiation fluxes Monthly
Cloud amount, cloud top pressure, Monthly
Optical thickness, water path Monthly
Clear-sky albedo (ERBE) Monthly
(i) Prescribed/diagnostic fields
Soil moisture Monthly
Deep soil temperature and soil wetness Monthly
Snow depth Monthly
Albedo, surface roughness Fixed
(ii) Monthly 6-hourly forcing fields
Surface pressure, air temperature, dew point Monthly 6-hourly
Surface temperature Monthly 6-hourly
Mean sea level pressure Monthly 6-hourly
u, v wind speed and stress Monthly 6-hourly
Surface sensible and latent heat fluxes Monthly 6-hourly
Net surface and TOA shortwave, longwave fluxes Monthly 6-hourly
(iii) Diurnally-resolved (6-hourly) forcing fields
Surface pressure, air temperature, dew point, wind speed 6-hourly
Hybrid longwave and shortwave incoming radiation fluxes 6-hourly
Hybrid total precipitation and convective precipitation 6-hourly
1.1 Data Set Identification
1.2 Data Base Table Name
1.3 CD File Name
1.4 Revision Date of This Document
2.1 Investigator(s) Name and Title
2.2 Title of Investigation
2.3 Contacts (for Data Production Information)
2.4 Requested Form of Acknowledgment
3.1 Objective/Purpose
3.2 Summary of Parameters
3.3 Discussion
5.1 Instrument Description
5.2 Calibration
6.1 Data Acquisition Methods
6.2 Spatial Characteristics
6.3 Temporal Characteristics
7.1 Field Notes
8.1 Table Definition With Comments
8.2 Type of Data (Parameters, Units, Range)
8.3 Sample Data Record
8.4 Data Format
8.5 Related Data Sets
9.1 Formulas
9.2 Data Processing Sequence
9.3 Calculations
9.4 Graphs and Plots
10.1 Sources of Error
10.2 Quality Assessment
11.1 Known Problems With the Data
11.2 Usage Guidance
11.3 Other Relevant Information
12.1 Satellite/Instrument/Data Processing Documentation
12.2 Journal Articles and Study Reports
12.3 Archive/DBMS Usage Documentation
13.1 Contacts for Archive/Data Access Information
13.2 Archive Identification
13.3 Procedures for Obtaining Data
13.4 Archive/Status/Plans
14.1 Tape Products
14.2 Film Products
14.3 Other Products
(A) Influence of changes in the Physical Climate System on biophysical
processes (Energy-Water-Carbon). These may feed back to the atmosphere
through changes in energy, heat, water, and carbon dioxide exchange
(B) Changes in nutrient cycling rates; release of carbon dioxide and
methane from the soil carbon pool back to the atmosphere (Carbon and
(C) Changes in biogeochemical processes and water and nutrient availability
influence ecosystem structure and function.
(D) Change in ecosystem state results in changes in surface biophysical
characteristics and biogeochemical process rates.
** This figure is contained in the file named, OVERVIEW.FG1, and is located
in the same directory as OVERVIEW.TXT. This file is in PICT format and
can be read by any PICT reader.
The Initiative I data sets are targeted at supplying the forcings,
fluxes, and surface boundary conditions required to initialize,
validate, or drive the land models in isolation from the
atmospheric models. Initiative I should be successful in meeting
all these requirements except for global-scale mass and heat
fluxes, for which observations only exist for a few places and
times; for example, inlarge-scale field experiments.
Note: The "surface boundary conditions" box includes vegetation-dependent
parameters that are derived from the fraction of photosynthetically
active radiation absorbed by the green portion of the canopy (FPAR)
or leaf area index (LAI). These parameters are canopy PAR use
parameter (p), the roughness length (zO), and the albedo (a).
*** This figure is contained in the file named, OVERVIEW.FG2, and is located
in the same directory as OVERVIEW.TXT.
The data processing flow for each of the data sets is indicated
by a series of linked arrows each using a different pattern. See
the legend.
# This figure is contained in the file named, OVERVIEW.FG3, and is located
in the same directory as OVERVIEW.TXT. This file is in PICT format and
can be read by any PICT reader.